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Package plyGame


class  AutoDisableTimeout
 Disables gameObject after timeout and then removes this component More...
class  FallToFloor
 This will make an object fall to the floor. You need to instantiate the Item in the air then attach this component. The Item will then be dropped to the floor but at an arc from the start position. The object should have a collider. This component will remove itself when done. More...
class  ObjectDestroyerHandler
 This class handles destroying an object. There are various ways in which it can happen like first sinking the object below the terrain before removing. This class is used by behaviours as needed. More...
class  CommonDefinitionData
 Some commonly used definition data More...
class  DataAsset
 plyGame definitions. More...
class  InputDefAsset
 The input definitions. More...
class  GameGlobal
 The plyGame Global Object More...
class  InputBind
 InputBind More...
class  InputDefinition
 InputDefinition More...
class  plyInput
 plyGame Input manager More...
class  LoadSaveProviderBase
 Base class for LoadSave Providers. The provider will be asked by plyGame to save or load keys with data associated to them. The provider will be instantiated under the Game Global GameObject parent. More...
interface  IPersistable
 An interface for all components that might be handled by the LoadSave System. The PersistenceProvider component looks for components that implements this interface when deciding what to call to save or load. More...
class  PersistableObject
 This component is added to any GameObject that should be saved or restored via the LoadSave System. More...
class  ActorAttributesAsset
 Contains the defined Actor Attributes. More...
class  ActorClassesAsset
 The defined Actor Classes. More...
class  ItemsAsset
 Contains the defined Items. More...
class  LootAsset
 Contains the loot tables. More...
class  MarkersAsset
 Contains a list of the defined markers that where detected. More...
class  PlayerSelectorsAsset
 Selectors used by player. More...
class  SkillsAsset
 All defined Skills. More...
class  Actor
 All plyGame characters must have the Actor component. It contains the definitions and general info on the character. More...
class  ActorAttribute
 The Actor Attribute defines a property an actor may have. Attributes are linked to Actors via the Actor Class assigned to an Actor. More...
class  ActorAttributeData
 Data related to an Actor Attribute. More...
class  ActorClass
 All actors must have an Actor Class. The actor class links the actor with its attributes. More...
class  AnimationControlBase
 Base class for all Animation Controllers More...
class  LegacyAnimClipDef
 Animation definition used in Legacy animation controller More...
class  LegacyAnimControl
 The Legacy Animation controller decides when to play the character's idle and movement related animations. More...
class  LegacyAnimGroup
 Animation group used in Legacy animation controller More...
class  LegacyAnimMoveDef
 A movement definition, used in Legacy Animation controller More...
class  CharacterControllerBase
 The base class for all plyGame related character controllers. More...
class  ActorFaction
 work-in-progress More...
class  ActorFactionManager
 Manages and contains a list of all the Factions. Factions should not be added at runtime. and must all be defined in the plyGame Main Editor. This manager will automatically interact with the SaveLoad System to save and restore the relevant data of factions. More...
class  NPCController
 The Default NPC Controller and AI More...
class  NPCMoveBase
 This is the base class for the NPC movement controllers. All movement controllers should derive from this. More...
class  Player
 Shortcut to some common player related object references More...
class  PlayerBaseController
 Player character controller base class. You can choose to either derive from this or CharacterControllerbase. This class contain some useful helpers that you would have to re- implement if deriving a player controller from CharacterControllerbase. More...
class  PlayerManagerCharacterData
 Contains the info for a character that can be created by the player manager. More...
class  PlayerManager
 The player manager is an optional system that can be used when you do not want to manually take care of player character loading and management More...
class  Skill
 A Skill, something an Actor can perform. This can be a lot of things and can range from attack skills like the swing of a sword or a fireball to the use of a pick to mind for some ore. The plyBlox system does most of the work when events related to the Skill is triggered. More...
class  SkillProjectile
 The projectiles created by a Skill. The projectile will trigger Events in the Skill's Blox as needed. More...
class  EquipmentSlots
 Items are things that characters can pick up and use. Some can also be 'equipped' and this class handles that for the object it is on. More...
class  Item
 Items are things that characters can pick up and use More...
class  ItemBag
 Items are things that characters can pick up and use. They can be held in this "bag". The Bag component can be placed on characters that should be able to carry items. Bags work with either weight or slots (or no limit) as configured in ItemsAsset.storageMethod More...
class  SimpleCustomizer
 This component makes it easier to manipulate the used material, colour and the enabled objects of a parent object. Useful for simple character customization. More...
class  Targetable
 base class for Targetable objects like character, item and object More...
class  ItemType
 An Item Type. More...
class  FactionVarList
 Variables used in Faction variable lists. More...


enum  UIAnchor {
  UpperLeft = 0, UpperCenter = 1, UpperRight = 2, MiddleLeft = 3,
  MiddleCenter = 4, MiddleRight = 5, LowerLeft = 6, LowerCenter = 7,
  LowerRight = 8
enum  UIScale {
  None = 0, ScaleAndCrop = 1, ScaleToFit = 2, StretchBoth = 3,
  StretchWidth = 4, StretchHeight = 5
enum  UIElementType {
  None, Label, Image, Movie,
  Button, Edit, Toggle, Box
enum  UITextAlign { Left = 0, Center = 1, Right = 2 }
enum  plyGameObjectIdentifyingType { plyGameObjectIdentifyingType.ident, plyGameObjectIdentifyingType.screenName, plyGameObjectIdentifyingType.shortName, plyGameObjectIdentifyingType.meta }
 Type used to identify plyGame related objects. More...
enum  StatusTowardsOther { StatusTowardsOther.Friendly = 0, StatusTowardsOther.Neutral = 1, StatusTowardsOther.Hostile = 2 }
 Status towards other, used by NPC or Factions to determine their status towards each other and the player. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Type used to identify plyGame related objects.


identify object by its ident


identify object by its Screen Name


identify object by its Short Name


identify object by its meta data

Status towards other, used by NPC or Factions to determine their status towards each other and the player.





