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plyGame.Skill Class Reference

A Skill, something an Actor can perform. This can be a lot of things and can range from attack skills like the swing of a sword or a fireball to the use of a pick to mind for some ore. The plyBlox system does most of the work when events related to the Skill is triggered. More...

Inherits MonoBehaviour.

Public Types

enum  Activation { Activation.User =0, Activation.Passive =2 }
 How a skill is activated More...
enum  TargetLocation {
  TargetLocation.ActorDirection, TargetLocation.MouseDirection, TargetLocation.SelectedDirection, TargetLocation.AtClickPosition,
  TargetLocation.AtSelected, TargetLocation.MouseOver, TargetLocation.CameraForward, TargetLocation.CameraDirection
 In what direction or location the skill is executed More...
enum  DeliveryMethod { DeliveryMethod.Instant, DeliveryMethod.Projectile }
 How the skill's effect is delivered More...
enum  TargetingMethod { TargetingMethod.Self = 1, TargetingMethod.Selected = 2, TargetingMethod.Auto = 4 }
 How does skill collect possible targets More...
enum  ValidTargets {
  ValidTargets.Player = 1, ValidTargets.FriendlyActor = 2, ValidTargets.NeutralActor = 4, ValidTargets.HostileActor = 8,
  ValidTargets.RPGObject = 512
 What are valid targets for the skill's effect More...
enum  ProjectileMoveMethod { ProjectileMoveMethod.ActorFaceDirection, ProjectileMoveMethod.AngledFromEach, ProjectileMoveMethod.DirectToTarget }
 How does a projectile move More...

Public Member Functions

override string ToString ()
void CopyTo (Skill o)
virtual void Execute (Targetable selectedObject, Vector3 selectedPosition, Vector3 mousePosition)
 Tell Skill to execute now More...
bool IsExecuting ()
 Return true if the Skill is busy being executed. All skills are "instant" in creating their effects and only executionTime govern the Executing status. More...
bool CoolingDown ()
 Return true if busy with cool-down More...
bool IsReady ()
 Return true if ready to execute and not on some cool down or being prevented in some other way. More...
bool FacingAcceptable (Vector3 currForward, Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 mousePos, out Vector3 wantedDirection)
 Return true if the facing is within acceptable range. The returned wantedDirection can be used to turn character to correct facing if needed. More...
bool DistanceAcceptable (Vector3 currPos, Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 mousePos, out Vector3 wantedPos)
 Return true if the distance from target/ point is fine and skill can be executed. wantedPos is the target point that should be moved towards while continuously calling this function to check if in range yet. More...
void ExecuteSecondary (Vector3 atLocation, Targetable ignore)
 Trigger the Skill's secondary effect at specified location. Can also specify a a targetable object to ignore when finding targets. More...
void ExecuteFizzleEvent (Vector3 pos, bool wasObstacle)
 Ask Skill to call the Fizzle event in plyBlox More...
bool AttemptHit (GameObject onObject, Vector3 hitPos)
 Called by Projectile to attempt hit on object. Return false if was invalid target. More...
Targetable FindValidTargetAt (Ray ray)
 Try and find first valid target that falls in the ray. Normally the ray comes from a mouse position to check if there is a valid target under the mouse cursor. More...
bool IsValidTargetableType (Targetable target)
 Return true of the target is a valid targetable type for the skill, according to the skill's settings. More...
bool IsValidTargetable (Targetable target, Transform checkTr, Vector3 checkFrom, float checkHeight, LayerMask checkMask)
 First call IsValidTargetableType() and if that is fine it will check if there is an obstacle between the target and the checkTr position or checkFrom position of checkTr is null. The checkHeight is an offset from the checkTr or checkFrom positions and checkMask is the layers considered to be obstacles. More...

Public Attributes

bool showDebugInfo = false
CommonDefinitionData def = new CommonDefinitionData()
 common data
UniqueID id = new UniqueID()
 Unique id.
plyBlox blox
 The blox object of this skill.
float executionTimeout = 0f
 (seconds) how long it takes to execute the skill. In this time the actor can't start a new skill
float cooldownTimeout = 1f
 (seconds) how long before the skill can be used again after being used
bool mayPerformWhileMove = true
 Actor may perform skill while moving?
bool forceStop = true
 Only used when Perform While Move is set to False. This will force the character to stop so it can perform the skill.
bool canBeQueued = true
 Set to false to prevent this skill from being queued. It can then only be used if the Actor is not currently using another Skill.
Activation activation = Activation.User
 How a skill is activated.
DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod = DeliveryMethod.Instant
 How the skill's effect is delivered.
TargetingMethod targetingMethodMask = TargetingMethod.Auto
 How does skill collect possible targets.
ValidTargets validTargetsMask = 0
 What are valid targets for the skill's effect.
TargetLocation targetLocation = TargetLocation.ActorDirection
 In what direction or location the skill is executed.
int maxEffects = 1
 for instant this is max targets to select. for projectiles this will be the max projectiles that can be created (and targets that would be selected if in that mode)
float targetingDistance = 2
 (meters) how far to select targets from self (also used for how far projectile will move before fizzle)
int targetingAngle = 45
 (degrees) at hat angle from self's forward may targets be selected
int targetingRadius = 5
 (meters) used with the detection circle when AtClickPosition used
LayerMask obstacleCheckMask = 0
 check if something is between target and skill user?
float obstacbleCheckHeight = 1.5f
 Ray is cast from this height.
float instantHitDelay = 0f
 Set to have DeliveryMethod.Instant delay before creating its Hit Event.
int secondaryMaxTargets = 0
 could be used for splash damage (disabled when set to 0)
int secondaryRadius = 5
 detection radius in meters
LayerMask secondaryObstacleCheckMask = 0
 check if something is between target and effect execution position?
float secondaryObstacbleCheckHeight = 1.5f
 Ray is cast from this height.
GameObject[] projectileFabs = new GameObject[5]
 prefabs of projectile. Will choose randomly from these.
float projectileCreateDelay = 0f
 how long to wait before creating the (1st) projectile
float projectileCreateDelayBetween = 0f
 how long to delay between creating projectiles
ProjectileMoveMethod projectileMoveMethod = ProjectileMoveMethod.ActorFaceDirection
 How does a projectile move.
bool moveMethod_b_opt = false
 ProjectileMoveMethod.DirectToTarget: heat-seeking? ProjectileMoveMethod.AngledFromEach: random angle?
bool useVectorOffset = true
 if true, use projectileCreateOffset else projectileCreateAtTagged
Vector3 projectileCreateOffset = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0.5f)
 default is little up and in front of user of skill
string projectileCreateAtTagged = ""
 Name of Tag to look for to identify mount/dummy object to create projectile at.
int hitHeightPercentage = 50
 0=at feet, 50=middle, 100=head/top
int maxFlightDistance = 10
 (meter) how far the projectile will move before it fizzle
float maxLiveTime = 0
 (seconds) how long it can live before fizzle
float projectileMoveSpeed = 10f
 How fast projectile moves.
bool triggerSecondaryOnFizzle = false
 Should the secondary effect trigger when the projectile fizzled?
bool triggerSecondaryOnFizzleOnlyIfObstacle = true
 Should the secondary only trigger if the fizzle was cause by the projectile colliding with an obstacle?
float collisionRayWidth = 0.0f
 Used by projectile to check when it hits something. 0 = ray cast is used, else a spherical cast is used.
bool destroyProjectileOnHit = true
 Normally true for projectiles but can be set false if doing something special like beam weapon.

Protected Member Functions

void Reset ()
void Awake ()
void Start ()
void Update ()
void LateUpdate ()
List< TargetableCollectTargets (Targetable selectedObject, int max, Vector3 aroundPoint, Vector3 direction, int angle, float radius)
List< TargetableCollectSecondaryTargets (Targetable mainTarget, Vector3 aroundPoint)
List< TargetableCollectTargetsBasedOnTargetingLocation (Targetable selectedObject, Vector3 selectedPosition, Vector3 mousePosition)
virtual void ExecuteInstant (Targetable selectedObject, Vector3 selectedPosition, Vector3 mousePosition)
void DoDelayedHit (DelayedHit dh)
void DoHitsOn (List< Targetable > targets)
GameObject ChooseProjectilePrefab ()
virtual void CreateProjectile (int i, float waitTime, Vector3 projectileForward, Vector3 targetLocation, Transform targetTr, Vector3 followOffset)
virtual void ExecuteProjectile (Targetable selectedObject, Vector3 selectedPosition, Vector3 mousePosition)
void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()

Protected Attributes

EventHandler_Skills eventHandler = null
int projectileFabCount = 0
float executeTimer = 0.0f
float cooldownTimer = 0.0f
List< DelayedHit > delayedHits = new List<DelayedHit>(0)


Actor owner [get, set]
 The actor that owns this Skill. Skills area created as actual GameObjects placed inside the character that it belongs to at run-time. More...
PersistableObject persistObj [get, set]

Detailed Description

A Skill, something an Actor can perform. This can be a lot of things and can range from attack skills like the swing of a sword or a fireball to the use of a pick to mind for some ore. The plyBlox system does most of the work when events related to the Skill is triggered.

Member Enumeration Documentation

How a skill is activated


Use() must be called to activate the skill.


Skill is simply a data entry that can be checked. Example use: Skill to 'Wear Plate Armour'.

How the skill's effect is delivered


Used for Melee, Self-Heals, ranged-non-projectile skills.


Projectile(s) should be created that should hit target(s) before applying effects.

How does a projectile move


Projectile move straight from user till it hits or fizzle.


Only useful when creating more than one projectile where they should shoot in face direction but at random angles.


Projectile will find a target first and move towards it. Heat-seeking (moveMethod_b_opt = true) can be set for this else the projectile will move to the position the target was at, at time of creation of projectile.

How does skill collect possible targets


Skill should include character performing the skill as target possible target.


Skill should include the selected object/ character as possible target.


Skill should auto select from valid targets in range.

In what direction or location the skill is executed


Execution is in direction the character faces.


Execution is, for Player - in direction from character to mouse, for NPC - from character to its selected target.


Execution is, in direction of selected target.


Need the player to click on a spot where the skill will collect targets in a specified radius.


Skill can only be used if a target is selected.


This works like typical ARPG where mouse click on valid enemy would cast spell on it (in this case hover with mouse over and press 1,2,3 would also allow the skill to execute)


Executed in exact forward direction of camera.


In direction of camera on the XZ plane, ignoring camera's tilt (up/down)

What are valid targets for the skill's effect


Player can be targeted, regardless the status of the user's faction towards the player.


Any Actor that the user of Skill is Friendly towards. The status of Factions of the user towards the target Actor is used in the check. For NPCs towards the Player the NPC's status towards the player is also checked.


Any Actor that the user of Skill is Neutral towards. See 'friendly' , above, for more info.


Any Actor that the user of Skill is Hostile towards. See 'friendly' , above, for more info.


An object can be targeted.

Member Function Documentation

bool plyGame.Skill.AttemptHit ( GameObject  onObject,
Vector3  hitPos 

Called by Projectile to attempt hit on object. Return false if was invalid target.

bool plyGame.Skill.CoolingDown ( )

Return true if busy with cool-down

bool plyGame.Skill.DistanceAcceptable ( Vector3  currPos,
Vector3  targetPos,
Vector3  mousePos,
out Vector3  wantedPos 

Return true if the distance from target/ point is fine and skill can be executed. wantedPos is the target point that should be moved towards while continuously calling this function to check if in range yet.

virtual void plyGame.Skill.Execute ( Targetable  selectedObject,
Vector3  selectedPosition,
Vector3  mousePosition 

Tell Skill to execute now

void plyGame.Skill.ExecuteFizzleEvent ( Vector3  pos,
bool  wasObstacle 

Ask Skill to call the Fizzle event in plyBlox

void plyGame.Skill.ExecuteSecondary ( Vector3  atLocation,
Targetable  ignore 

Trigger the Skill's secondary effect at specified location. Can also specify a a targetable object to ignore when finding targets.

bool plyGame.Skill.FacingAcceptable ( Vector3  currForward,
Vector3  targetPos,
Vector3  mousePos,
out Vector3  wantedDirection 

Return true if the facing is within acceptable range. The returned wantedDirection can be used to turn character to correct facing if needed.

Targetable plyGame.Skill.FindValidTargetAt ( Ray  ray)

Try and find first valid target that falls in the ray. Normally the ray comes from a mouse position to check if there is a valid target under the mouse cursor.

bool plyGame.Skill.IsExecuting ( )

Return true if the Skill is busy being executed. All skills are "instant" in creating their effects and only executionTime govern the Executing status.

bool plyGame.Skill.IsReady ( )

Return true if ready to execute and not on some cool down or being prevented in some other way.

bool plyGame.Skill.IsValidTargetable ( Targetable  target,
Transform  checkTr,
Vector3  checkFrom,
float  checkHeight,
LayerMask  checkMask 

First call IsValidTargetableType() and if that is fine it will check if there is an obstacle between the target and the checkTr position or checkFrom position of checkTr is null. The checkHeight is an offset from the checkTr or checkFrom positions and checkMask is the layers considered to be obstacles.

bool plyGame.Skill.IsValidTargetableType ( Targetable  target)

Return true of the target is a valid targetable type for the skill, according to the skill's settings.

Property Documentation

Actor plyGame.Skill.owner

The actor that owns this Skill. Skills area created as actual GameObjects placed inside the character that it belongs to at run-time.

The owner.