
The Actor Component identifies an object as a character type object. The controller you add will determine if it is a player or non-player character. The actor component carry some important information that defines the character. You will not normally have to add this component to an object as the controller you add will also add this component when needed.

At run-time you can click on Show debug info in the Actor’s inspector to see some useful debug info like what the Actor’s Attribute states are.


Turning this on will make the Actor (character) LoadSave aware and its state will be saved or restored when needed. The Persistable Object component will be added and should not be manually removed as it is needed to create the interface between the object and the LoadSave system. You may want to remove the Persistable Object if there is one on the GameObject and you do not want persistence of the object activate.

There are a few options that will determine what gets saved. You should not turn on an option if you know the values will not change from the startup values. This will save on storage space and decrease the save/ load time. A good example is monsters - you would normally add all skills a monster knows as startup skills and therefore there would be no need to turn on persistence of the monsters skills since it does not learn any new skills at runtime.

Basic Definition

Actor Definition


You can use the plyGame > Actor > Actor Death Event in a Blox of the character to respond when the character is killed.

Start Skills

A list of Skills that the Actor will start off, knowing. If a Skill is not in this list then the Actor will not be able to use it. This does not mean you have to add all skills the Actor can ever know to this list. You can teach Skills to the Actor at run-time, using for example Blocks to add them to the known list.

Start Factions

This is a list of the Factions this character belongs to at startup. Factions are used in various areas of plyGame, for example when NPCs decide which other NPCs to detect around it. See Factions for more information.
