Camera Controllers

Camera Controllers are used to control the main camera in the game. There are several options and configuration differ between them. Some cameras work better with certain Player Controllers and you will get best results when using the recommended Player and Camera controllers together. Some player controllers might have camera control build right into it so you need to make sure to not add components that might conflict with each other. The documentation will clearly state what requirements there are and when one controller wants or prefer another be used with it.


It is recommended that you use this camera with the Top-Down Player Controller. The camera gives a view-point similar to what you find top-down RPG games like Diablo or Torchlight. The following video will give you an idea of how this camera works.

The controller should be added to your Player Character object and not the camera object in the scene. Note, you should have a camera object (MainCamera) in your game scenes. Select the player character object and then from the component menu, select: plyGame > Camera > Top-Down Camera.

3rd Person

It is recommended that you use this camera with the 3rd Person Player Controller. The camera gives a view-point similar to what you find in online games like WoW, Rift and FFXIV. The player can zoom, tilt and rotate the camera freely around the character. The following video will give you an idea of how this camera works.

The controller should be added to your Player Character object and not the camera object in the scene. Note, you should have a camera object (MainCamera) in your game scenes. Select the player character object and then from the component menu, select: plyGame > Camera > Third Person Camera.
