
Skills are what Actors (player and non-player character) use to perform actions. They are normally used for combat related actions but could also be used for other purposes.

A Skill will execute according to the rules you set up and create its Effect(s) accordingly. A Skill’s Effect is independent of the Skill after being created except for triggering Events in the Skill’s plyBlox. Effects will always fizzle when the character loses the ability to use that Skill (for example, unlearn it via plyBlox or dies).

At run-time Skills are created as child objects of their owning characters (if the character knows the skill). If you expand the character object in the Hierarchy view and select the Skill you will see Show Debug info in the inspector of that Skill. Activating this will give you a nice visual representation of the Skill’s settings and can be helpful when trying to find problems with the Skill.


All Skills have their own plyBlox which can be edited by using the Edit Events button. The Edit Variables button will allow you to edit the Local Variables of the Skill. The Local Variables of Skills do to persist (get saved when the game session is saved). You can use the Skill’s plyBlox to act on Events that are triggered when the Skill’s effect hits something, or when the effect fizzle (a fireball did not reach it target or hit a wall).



Activation adds the rules that determine how and if a skill can be activated/ used.

Instant Delivery

These options are shown when you chose Delivery = Instant under Activation.

Projectile Delivery

These options are shown when you chose Delivery = Projectile under Activation.

Note on custom projectile logic

When a projectile is created, plyGame will add a SkillProjectile component onto the projectile GameObject. This component drives the projectile. It is possible to use your own projectile logic. You need to derive your projectile controller/ component from SkillProjectile, rather than MonoBehaviour, and then override the functions as needed. This component you created must then be placed on the projectile prefab that you add to the prefabs field in the Skill editor. This is the only case where you should be adding the projectile controller onto the prefab as plyGame will add the SkillProjectile component by default if no other component that derives from SkillProjectile is found on the prefab.

Secondary Hit

When an effect hits a target it can trigger a secondary effect. The secondary effect will collect targets in a specified radius around where the primary effect triggered (hit).

Set max secondary targets to zero to disable this feature.

Obstacle check can be set to indicate that what is considered obstacles. The effect will not reach a target if there is an obstacle between it and the effect’s center.


Skills can trigger various Events which you will find under plyGame > Skill. The Event will only be triggered in the Skill’s Blox object and not on the character or other object.

There are also blocks related to skills, for example the Block used to ask an Actor to use a Skill. These can be found under Character > Actions (plyGame).
