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Package plyCommonEditor


package  FontAwesome


class  plyDataObjectEditor
 Custom Editor for plyDataObject More...
class  plyDataProviderInfo
 This is the editor side of the Data Provider. This class gets created when it is needed by the data provider editor. More...
class  EdToolbar
 The plyGame Toolbar. See EdGlobal.AddToolbarButtons() to learn how buttons are added to the toolbar. More...
class  plyGraphEditor
 Renders a graph editor More...
class  plyNodeEdAttribute
 Attribute for plyNode definitions. More...
class  plyNodeEditorBase
 The base class for all node editors More...
class  plyEdGUI
 Editor GUI class with lots of useful functions and the custom styling used with all tools I develop. More...
class  plyEdUtil
 Contain some helper functions for when working with Unity editor related scripts. More...
class  plyListSelectWiz
 Shows a window with a list of items that can be selected from. More...
class  plyTextInputWiz
 A window with label and input field. More...